DUSHANBE , 25.10.2018 /NIAT “KHOVAR”/. On 22.10.18, a special issue was shown on TV Badakhshan and the video hosting service “Youtube” that the leaders of the organized criminal groups in the city of Khorugh were officially warned on behalf of the law enforcement agencies. The leaders of the organized criminal groups bowed their heads before the law, regretting their past illegal actions.
It should be noted that, according to theresults of work of interagency commission in charge of ensuring law and order in the GBAO over the past month 201 illegally possessed firearms have been seized, in particular seventy-six assault rifles Kalashnikov, three machine guns, two grenade launchers, one anti-aircraft complex, forty pistols, thirteen carbines, sixty-six types of other weapons, thirty eight grenades, more than 5350 units of ammunition and 960 grams of explosives from the leadership of organized crime gangs of Khorugh – Ayombekov Tolib Abdrahmonovich, Mamadboqirov Mamadboqir Karamalishoevich, Mamadaslamov Yodgorsho Shomusallamovich, Mazorov Khursand Mirzohayotovich, Shanbiev Munavvar Navruzbekovich and dozens of province residents.